Thursday, October 31, 2019

Prince of Turkish Pop Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Prince of Turkish Pop - Essay Example He is largely known for his romantically themed songs, which earned him the title of prince of pop. He has several albums, which have been certified platinum, and he is among the few European artists to top the charts without singing in English. Tarkan is popularly known for his song S?mar?k, which has been redone twice in English by other musicians (, n.d). It has also been covered in other languages all over the world by other musicians. He entered the world of music in the 1990s and he has more than 20 albums and singles to show for the years he has been in music. Because Turkey is generally a conservative country, he is seen as somewhat a rebel in his music. He has been a subject of controversy and he is idolized by the youth of his home place. He has well known for his stage performances that dazzle and his eclectic dance moves. His popularity has spread farther than his native country of Turkey to other areas especially Eastern Europe. He has performed to hu ge crowds in the United States of America, UK, Dubai, Israel, Macedonia and the list goes on and on. Tarkan’s music is in his native dialect, which is Turkish, his decision to focus on his home and write and perform music that they can relate to, is what him made so endearing to his fan base back in turkey and across Arab speaking countries. This has seen him do collaborations with Arabian musicians thereby cementing his name in the music world. In true pop culture, Tarkan’s music aims to appeal to a large audience and not just a limited crowd or subculture. His music does not reflect a specific ideology but is dynamic and catchy thereby attracting a big population especially the youth. Almost everyone in the world responds to music that has sentiments of love in it and this can be seen in almost all his works. As seen in his album Olurum Sana which literary means, I am crazy about you (Cable News Network, 1999), which went on to become his highest selling album. It so ld a record 4.5 million records in his home country Turkey alone, in the titled album was the song S?mar?km, which was responsible for him winning an award. An Arabic blog writes that he became this song was a sensational summer hit and the world was looking forward to another one by Tarkan (Hot Arabic Music, n.d). His concerts are filled to capacity and one was labeled as concert of the year by the council in Turkey. Tarkan’s music is very danceable and he easily integrates dance in his recordings and live performances. He is said to be a great dancer and this goes to define him more and make him more attractive in his chosen style of music. To the pop world, a musician must be able to please his fans by his dance moves in addition to his sound. Therefore, it is a requirement for a singer or a band that calls it music pop to be able to sing and dance. For Tarkan though, it comes easy, as he is a natural dancer and performer (LetsSingIt, n.d). Pop music is very trend oriented , in that it sets to be a pace setter, which sees it commanding a large following by the youth, Tarkan’s style, has been emulated by the youth in his country. They are eager to copy how he dresses and record music that seems to command a following like his. Pop culture has been the biggest contributor to the fashion world, the youth dress as they see their pop celebrities dressing

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Implementation and Challenges of Lean Concept in Human resources Essay Example for Free

Implementation and Challenges of Lean Concept in Human resources Essay Going lean is the talk of the season. Almost all the big organizations are adopting lean practices; not only manufacturing but management. In this write-up I am going to discuss how HR as an organization’s function can help in lean transformation. A critically important issue in lean success, just now coming into clear view, is the relationship between the human resources (HR) function and lean transformation. It turns out that the HR function, even at its best, is often considered as only a passive supporter of lean transformation. At its worst, it is said to be a barrier to progress. There are two facets to the relationship between lean and HR. First, it is self-evident that the HR function—just like any other department in a company—needs to apply lean practices and principles toward process improvement in its own work. Second, the HR function needs to actively support and enforce lean transformation throughout the company. The HR function, by virtue of its interactions with virtually every part of a company, is actually in an ideal position to be a powerful ally in lean transformation, IF lean leaders make the effort to enlist its aid. Here we are discussing how HR makes a significant contribution to lean success with active support in several key areas. What is Lean (concept) Lean principles come from the Japanese manufacturing industry. The term was first coined by John Krafcik. From its inception Lean was considered as manufacturing tool but today lean has evolved from just a tool to a philosophy of success. The core idea of Lean philosophy is to maximize customer value while minimizing waste. Simply, lean means creating more value for customers with fewer resources. A lean organization understands customer value and focuses its key processes to continuously increase it. The ultimate goal is to provide perfect value to the customer through a perfect value creation process that has zero waste. To accomplish this, lean thinking changes the focus of management from optimizing separate technologies, assets, and vertical departments to optimizing the flow of products and services through entire value streams that flow horizontally across technologies, assets, and departments to customers. Eliminating waste along entire value streams, instead of at isolated points, creates processes that need less human effort, less space, less capital, and less time to make products and services at far less costs and with much fewer defects, compared with traditional business systems. Companies are able to respond to changing customer desires with high variety, high quality, low cost, and with very fast throughput times. Also, information management becomes much simpler and more accurate. Lean for production and services A popular misconception is that lean is suited only for manufacturing. Not true. Lean applies in every business and every process. It is not a tactic or a cost reduction program, but a way of thinking and acting for an entire organization. Businesses in all industries and services, including healthcare and governments, are using lean principles as the way they think and do. Many organizations choose not to use the word lean, but to label what they do as their own system, such as the Toyota Production System or the Danaher Business System. Why? To drive home the point that lean is not a program or short term cost reduction program, but the way the company operates. The word transformation or lean transformation is often used to characterize a company moving from an old way of thinking to lean thinking. It requires a complete transformation on how a company conducts business. This takes a long-term perspective and perseverance. The term lean was coined to describe Toyotas business during the late 1980s by a research team headed by Jim Womack. Lean Thinking Lean transformations think about three fundamental business issues that should guide the transformation of the entire organization: Purpose: What customer problems will the enterprise solve to achieve its own purpose of prospering? Process: How will the organization assess each major value stream to make sure each step is valuable, capable, available, adequate, flexible, and that all the steps are linked by flow, pull, and leveling? People: How can the organization insure that every important process has someone responsible for continually evaluating that value stream in terms of business purpose and lean process? How can everyone touching the value stream be actively engaged in operating it correctly and continually improving it? Just as a carpenter needs a vision of what to build in order to get the full benefit of a hammer, Lean Thinkers need a vision before picking up lean tools, said Womack. Thinking deeply about purpose, process, people is the key to doing this.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Theories: Ways to motivate employees

Theories: Ways to motivate employees Ways of motivating employees Motivation of employees is one of the most important processes that managers should develop. An organization is highly dependent on people; therefore, their motivation for higher productivity is crucial for the whole company. Thus, the success of any organization depends on the ability of managers to provide a motivating environment for its employees. Motivated employees are more productive, happier, and stay with the organization longer. One of the primary tasks a manager faces is to find out how to motivate their employees. Different ways of motivating employees are described by academics and business people. The motivation of employees also depends a lot in the culture where the employees reside. Some of the organizations reward their employees according to performance while some others provide only static income and measure the performance according to that. The purpose of this assessment is to describe the common theories of employee motivation and also practical ways of motivat ing employees in an organization regardless of the culture. One of the basic theories of employee motivation is the scientific management whose basis is considering employees as an input to the production of goods and services. The approach stresses on scientific selection, training and development of workers instead of allowing them to choose their own tasks and training methods and its objective is to carry out work in accordance with scientifically devised procedures. One of the pioneers and inventor of scientific approach to management was Frederick Taylor. Frederic Taylor, (1856-1915) was the first to analyze human behavior scientifically with his machine model by making individuals into the equivalent of machine parts. He broke down the tasks to its smallest unit to figure out the best approach. After careful analysis of the job, workers were trained to do only those motions essential to the task. Taylor attempted to make a science for each element of work and restrict behavioral alternatives facing worker and looked at interaction of h uman characteristics, social environment, task, and physical environment, capacity, speed, durability and cost. The overall goal was to remove human variability (Terpstra, 2005). Taylors machine model was a success and did increase production and profitability because rational rules replaced trial and error and management became more formalized which eventually led to increased efficiency. But Taylors treatment of human beings like machines faced resistance from managers and workers who considered this way of working as dehumanization of work. This method also faced stiff group resistance because no one likes to be so close monitored for each little part of the work he/she does. Despite its criticisms, Taylors methods had a great impact on work because he invented a new, efficient and more productive way to work that changed the complete nature of the industry. Before scientific management, departments such as work study, personnel, maintenance and quality control did not exist (Buf ord, 2000). The core elements of scientific management remain popular and have only been modified and updated to suit the current times we live. The second most common and widely know theory of employee motivation is the behavioral approach. Unlike scientific approach behavior approach places emphasis on what motivates people and seeks to identify and account for the specific influences that motivate people. Maslow (1943) put forward the hierarchy of needs theory which saw human needs in the form of a hierarchy, ascending from lowest to the highest. He argued that lower level needs had to be satisfied before the next higher level need and once one set of needs is satisfied, this kind of need ceases to be a motivator. According to Maslow (1943), the five needs are: Physiological needs Safety or Security needs Social Needs Esteem Self actualization Looking at Maslows hierarchy of needs triangle, as each needs are substantially satisfied, the next need becomes dominant. (eg. esteem needs become dominant after social needs are satisfied).Also, when a need gets substantially satisfied, it stops to be motivating. The core of Maslows theory is to focus on finding out the level of hierarchy the person is in and focusing on satisfying his/her needs and the needs above it. Maslows theory of needs has been wider recognized and is being practiced by managers across the globe. The theorys ease of understanding and intuitive logic makes it easy to implement, but there is no empirical evidence to validate the theory and there is no metric to measure the success of the theory after being implemented. In addition to the theories of employee motivation, there are a number of practical ways for managers to motivate their employees. One of the main ways to motivate your employees is make their tasks and activities as fun. Frederick Herzbergs (1959) famous quote says If you want people to do a good job, give them a good job to do. Some workers really want to enjoy the work they do. Many who enjoy the activities they participate in at work look forward to the day each morning. The opposite also can be true when workers dont enjoy the tasks they perform at work, but they may like their social activities after work (football, shows, movies, going out with friends, community events). These are the individuals that get excited at the end of the day knowing that the fun can now begin. Leaders should take notice of these signs. If your workers are more excited at the end of the day (to leave) than they are at the beginning of the day (to arrive), then there is probably a lack of motivation taking place in the area of intrinsic process or fun. Managers should look for tasks which are each of employees favorites, find ways to assign more of the tasks they enjoy and fewer of the ones they dont like to do and also create a good climate in the whole organization. Finally, it is important in this regard to plan social events for your employees, organize a company ball (softball, baseball, basketball, volleyball, football) game, sponsor a company barbecue, take your employees out to dinner or invite them to your house for dinner, and Have company-wide events that are intended to let everyone have fun. Secondly, a motivation factors which is valued a lot especially in the Western culture, is the rewards according to performance. The basic idea is that performance is the responsible factor that leads to intrinsic as well as extrinsic rewards and these rewards, along with the equity of individual leads to satisfaction. Hence, satisfaction of the individual depends upon the fairness of the reward (Bowen 1991). Many workers need to know their work will be rewarded to be motivated to perform. Per hour pay is what keeps people coming to work, but this isnt what will motivate them to excel in their work. People motivated by rewards will look beyond whether they are getting something tangible for their work. They will also consider what others are getting for their work and often will compare their output with others. For example, if a worker notices that he or she consistently outperforms coworkers, but knows that those coworkers earn a higher salary, this will not sit well with a person motivated by rewards. In fact, it will make a worker want to work less hard if colleagues earn more without being more productive. The opposite also works against motivating an instrumentally motivated worker. If a worker earns more than a colleague, but is less productive than the other worker, this wont cause this person to work harder. It will not cause this person to change their effort level at all. The reason for this is that if a worker motivated by rewards doesnt think that his or her pay really depends on how well they perform, then they wont be motivated to work harder. Extra effort and hard work will come from these individuals only when it is clearly rewarded and when it will affect their rewards. In addition to rewards and fun, many employees need the respect and upgrade of their reputation. People motivated by reputation have a strong need to enhance their image or esteem with others. There are a lot of people out there who want others to think highly of them. Many people are just plain hungry, starving in fact, for some attention and accolades. Individuals striving for popularity or fame characterize the self-concept external motivation. Many workers will not work hard unless they believe their efforts will be noticed and recognized. Workers often say that their managers dont care for their contribution. Other workers will work hard for a short while until they realize that their boss doesnt verbalize any appreciation for their efforts. When this happens, motivation disappears. People motivated by this source will go to great lengths to save face in the public eye. These are the individuals who take great pride in their appearance, in the clothes they wear, the cars they d rive, the neighborhood they live, and other outward things. These people are seeking approval from others. Thus, managers, in order to motivate employees through reputation, should give workers lots of feedback about the way they are performing, give praise in front of other people, criticize these individuals only in private and never in front of others and give unsolicited compliments and positive reinforcement to workers for jobs with which you are satisfied The last among most common ways of motivating employees, is the purpose. Individuals who are motivated by purpose look beyond themselves. They really arent concerned with their own self-interests or with who may notice what theyve done or whether they are being pushed and challenged. What matters to a person motivated by a strong sense of purpose is that they must believe in what the organization is doing. If they agree with what the company stands for and what the company is trying to do, then they will join in and give their fullest efforts to achieve the organization goals. However, if these individuals dont feel called by the vision or purpose, they will seem rather lethargic or uninterested in whats going on. Instead their best efforts will be reserved for other causes in their lives more deserving of their heart and soul effort. These are the individuals who commonly will work very hard on community-based problems or charity. Goals are important for purpose-driven persons; ther efore, an organizations that has clear mission and vision and also clear goals in implementing their strategies, would help those people and motivate them for further work. To conclude, employee motivation is very important for an organization and for its productivity. There are a number of theories on the employee motivation. The scientific method claims that motivation is the scientific management whose basis is considering employees as an input to the production of goods and services. Unlike scientific approach behavior approach places emphasis on what motivates people and seeks to identify and account for the specific influences that motivate people. In addition to the theories, among the practical methods of employee motivation is that employees should always like what they do in order to achieve optimal productivity. In addition, employees should be rewarded according to their performance, their reputation should be respected and also they should be given a purpose in line with their interests. Following this ways of employee motivation, managers will manage to motivate them and increase their productivity, fruitfulness and create a good climate in their organizations. Works cited: Bowen, B. E., Radhakrishna, R. B. (1991). Job satisfaction of agricultural education faculty: A constant phenomena. Journal of Agricultural Education, 32 (2). 16-22. Buford, J. A., Jr. (2000). Extension management in the information age. Journal of Extension, 28 (1). Herzberg, F., Mausner, B., Snyderman, B. B. (1959). The motivation to work. New York: John Wiley Sons.. Maslow, A. H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, July 1943. 370-396. Terpstra, D. E. (2005). Theories of motivation: borrowing the best. Personnel Journal, 58. 376.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Henrik Isbens A Dolls House Essays -- A Dolls House Essays

1 A Dolls House   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A Dolls House represents a women’s marital life from many years ago. The central theme of this play is Nora’’s rebellion against society and everything that was expected of her. Nora shows this by breaking away from all the standards and expectations her husband and society had set up for her. Women were not considered of importance to their husbands and that made women feel like in a â€Å"dolls house†, such as with Nora and her husband Helmer. In her time women were not supposed to be independent. They were to support their husbands, take care of the children, cook, clean, and make everything perfect around the house. Nora had two main rebellions; her taking out the loan, and when she left her family, and everything was all planned out by her. Nora’’s first rebellion was when she took out a loan so that she could pay for her husband, Torvald’s medical treatment. It was against the law for women to take out a loan without their husbands consent. When she did this she proved that she was not as submissive and helpless as Torvald thought she was. He called her â€Å"helpless†. A perfect example of Torvald’s control and Nora’s submissiveness was when she got him to re-teach her the tarantella. She already knew the dance but she acted as if she needed him to re-teach her the whole thing. When he says to her â€Å"Watching you swing and dance the tarantella makes my blood rush†. This shows that he is more interested in her physically than em...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Melody in the Middle Ages Essay

In the early Middle Ages, melodic or textual embellishments added to plainchant were referred to as prosulae. In your own words, summarize the types of plainchant to which prosulae were most often added and the reasons for those additions. The Book of Hymns is one prime example of a prosulae. Plainchant was being sung day in and day out by the monks, who had already added some slight melody, but was still not easy to memorize. By adding some rhythm and separation in syllables throughout the melody, a new way to not only memorize the verses, but also present them, was born. In the early Middle Ages, melodic or textual embellishments added to plainchant were referred to as prosulae. In your own words, summarize Notker’s description of how and why he came to add words to melismas, and his teacher Iso’s response. Notker realized as a young child that he wanted to find a way to remember the words to certain melodies, but with them being so long, he could not. When he came across a man with sequenced verses he was at first excited, but soon disappointed as they did no better than the long, monotonous melodies he remembered as a child. When he decided to add words to these verses and took them to his teacher, Iso, he both appreciated and pitied Notker. He went back and corrected some mistakes pointed out by his teacher, and these changes proved to be successful. The new verses were deemed worthy and copied to a roll for the all of the boys to sing.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Flipflops Market in the Philippines Essay

Introduction â€Å"Slip into comfortability, on and off the shore† Offshore entered Philippine flip-flop industry in 2003 as an all Filipino-designed palm beach slippers. Amazed with Philippine beaches, Anton Ng dreamt of building a product that will embody these beautiful beaches and will be shared by every Filipinos and the rest of the world. The Filipino-Chinese businessman wanted to offer a pair of slippers that would define comfortability and durability. He named the slippers Offshore, envisioning that these are the pair of slippers that would be worn on and off the shore. â€Å"Philippines is popular around the world for its beautiful beaches and vacation spots, Offshore flip-flops are the perfect companion when you are taking the time off or when you are offshore,† he said. The designing process is crucial for the company whose aim is to showcase the essence of attractive Philippine beaches and the Filipino spirit in whole. Ng believes in the talent and skills of Filipino graphic artists. Offshore hires nimble young designers who would create lively dynamic flip-flop prints. A rigorous selection process is done from all available designs every season where offshore releases a new set of flip-flop collection. The collection theme and color scheme should match the current season trends and styles. A couple of market tests are done across different Asian countries, before mass producing a new design in throughout Asia. After observing consumer responses to the sample slippers, a final selection of successful flip-flop designs will be done. Offshore prods rigorous quality control process in its production line to minimize the volume of product defects and returns. Given its stern quality inspection, it takes a couple of weeks to produce a batch of slippers. The ultimate goal of the company is to provide comfy and highly durable slippers at an affordable price to every Filipino and to the rest of Asia. The company achieves low costs production by acquiring all raw materials  form China and outsourcing the production in China, as well. Although, the designs and prints are purely Filipino, the flip-flop itself is 100% China-made in terms of materials and labor. By doing so, Offshore has competitive in pricing. In fact, Offshore is one of the cheapest brands in department stores. The products have strong focus in Filipino design for everyday casual wear that would complement current fashion trends. However, the local market has perceived Offshore as low-quality china brand. In addition, the company failed to convey its all-Filipino designed-message to the public. Industry Background â€Å"We have to admit that the imported brands of flip-flops paved the way to the re-entry of flip-flops in the footwear business but it doesn’t mean that a Filipino brand can’t join the race. With Offshore, we are hoping that by creating our own designs and even Filipino-inspired ones, we are not only making quality flip-flops, but we are also giving it back to our country. Our goal is simple and straightforward, a pair of Offshore for every Filipino†, said Ng. The word tsinelas (slippers) originated from the Spanish word chinela, traditional Filipino slippers are made from Abaka. It’s has a simple sole with Y-shaped strap. Slippers are household commodities for Filipinos regardless of economic class. Now it’s no longer called tsinelas or slippers, rather flipflops. It can be made from a wide range of materials such as leather, rubber, plastic and even textile. In the old days the most popular local brands of tsinelas were Spartan, Beach Walk, Rambo, and Islander. Each of them has a strong market positioning. Spartan is the durable brand, Beach Walk is soft and comfortable, Rambo has its very thick sole, while Islander is the classy type. The beginning of 2003 marked the success for Brazilian flipflop brands such as today’s market leader Havaianas followed by Ipanema. These brands revolutionized the way Filipinos wear slippers. The trendy, sleek, chic  designs of these slippers immediately made a buzz, dominating the local slipper industry. On the other hand, local footwear industry has experienced 14% decline in sales last year. The Products Offshore has three sets of collections for each season. These are for kids, teens and men. Kids Sizes range from 30-33 fitting 4-8 year old young toddlers. The kids’ Offshore slippers however are designed for only for boys. Teens Offshore offers three slipper designs for teens 1) Plain colored slippers 2) Pastel colored with stripe and dotted prints 3) Flowery prints Men 1) Single strap rubber soles 2) Traditional Y-strap rubber soles with beach designs 3) Y-strap in sports prints and designs The Competition Havaianas is a renowned global brand of slippers originating from Brazil about 50 years ago. The brand is known for its special rubber formula use for producing high quality, smooth, sleek and durable flipflops. It redefined traditional flipflop appearance by offering a wide range of designs from florals to glow in the dark prints. Through time, Havaianas has built a strong brand image throughout the world. People from different walks of life have been spotted wearing this pair of slippers, from football  superstar David Beckham to the royalties like Queen Silvia of Sweden. Hollywood celebrities like Jennifer Aniston, Tom Cruise among others seem fond on havstoo. Havaianas entered the Philippines market in 2003. In its first 3 years, the brand sold one million pairs thereby cementing its place in the hearts and ‘soles’ of the Filipinos. ‘All Flip-Flops’ a store devoted solely to selling Havaianas merchandise opened in the Philippines in 2006. Following the success of the first store, 19 more All Flip-Flops stores were opened. Ipanema entered the Philippine market in 2001. Currently, this is the top two brand in the local market. Like Havaianas, Ipanema is also a Brazilian-made slippers way back 1971. It is perceived as flipflops exclusive for women. Although the brand offers men flipflops, majority of its market are women. The sales of flipflops for women even increased after launching Gisele Bundchen collection this year. Gisele Bundchen is one of the world’s top model known for her socio-civic activities. The collection design redefines rubber flipflops designs similar to sandals. The sophisticated colors and elegant cuts and designs made Ipanema look glamorous. It is second best-selling flipflop brand now, but sales are predicted to increase next year, outnumbering Havaianas sales. Banana Peel is the most successful local flipflop brand in the Philippines. It was established in the year 2002. It is known to be the chic and trendy flip flops with smooth rubber soles like Banana cut in rectangular shapes. It places itself in the market as functional and comfortable flipflop. In 2004, the first Banana Peel concept store opened in SM malls, being the first ever flipflop store in the country. As such Banana Peel has strong distribution chains; it is the country’s largest specialty retailer of flip flops having 23 branches nationwide and still growing. Also, it has strong local marketing campaigns having popular actor John Lloyd Cruz and actress Maja Salvador as its endorsers. Market Share According to managing director of Al Amizade Marketing Inc. the bulk of flipflop market are women buyers, accounting for 70 percent; men buyers at 20 percent and the children market at 10 percent. In addition, the flipflops sales for men have grown by last year by 10%. Market Distribution Some well-known footwear companies set-up their own concept stores and rent a private space inside malls and distribute their products having a bunch of their own sales personnels for the customers’ an exclusive buying experience. Bulk of the middle and lower-middle class brands are concentrated in department stores, battling each over other rent space in large department stores and malls. Also premium slippers brands have their own space in department stores as well with much bigger space desirable positions. Normally, Havaianas, Dupe and Ipanema are placed near the entrance of the department store with more visibility. While low priced brands are usually located at the side racks of the flipflop section. Channels of Distribution of Footwear Manufacturers/Subcontractors/ Wholesalers/Suppliers Manufacturers/Subcontractors/ Wholesalers/Suppliers Department Stores/Boutiques/Special Stores Department Stores/Boutiques/Special Stores Final Consumers/Buyers Final Consumers/Buyers Current Marketing Strategies Department Store Slipper Brand Currently, Offshore is one of the numerous flipflop brands in local department stores. It has no separate walk-in or concept store. It is placed in the footwear section of the department together with slippers of the same prices, ranging from Php60-750. It is definitely one of the cheapest pair of slippers in the corner in these areas: SM Department Stores and SM Hypermarket Robinson’s Department Stores Metro Gaisano Department Stores in Cebu and Market Market Other Leading Department Stores nationwide. E-commerce Utilization Offshore has set-up its own user-friendly website where photos of all available designs and collection are displayed. Aside from the website, Offshore products may also be purchase from numerous e-business website such as and Low Pricing The table shows the pricing comparison of numerous flip-flop brands in SM department store: CASE ANALYSIS Problem Statement Offshore entered the Philippine market, at the same time as giant globally successful Brazilian flip-flop brands, trying to capitalize on low pricing strategy to compete in the saturated market of lower middle class, where there is no clear distinction of among brand names. Furthermore, the brand failed to strengthen its image as an all-Filipino-designed flip-flop, lacking marketing efforts and campaigns to do so. Strengths Offshore have young designers who would create lively dynamic flip-flop prints and produce products every season where it releases a new set of flip-flop collection. The collection theme and color scheme match with the current season trends and styles. This ensures that the product is in line  with the current market trend and taste of its potential clients and customers. Offshore has a strong quality control. A couple of market tests are done across different Asian countries, before mass producing a new design. The rigorous quality control process in its production line minimizes the volume of product defects and returns. It also ensures that the products produced are in top condition/quality with regards to its durability and comfort that it will give to its users. Offshore enjoys low costs of production by acquiring all raw materials and outsourcing the production from China but still maintains good quality products. Weaknesses Offshore has low brand equity because the market is dominated by the Brazilian flip-flop brands as they set the trend for a new image for trendy, sleek, chic designs of these slippers. The company hasn’t done any marketing ads in the past. Another factor is that its brand name â€Å"Offshore† is quite difficult to be recalled and is not easily perceived as a slipper/flip-flop. Opportunities Offshore is a product that is all-Filipino designed and advocates beaches here in our country. This may help in promoting their product to showcase the essence of attractive Philippine beaches and the Filipino spirit in whole. The government implements intensive promotion for tourism. This will likely increase the tourist population and beach goers in our country which may be used by Offshore as an opportunity to communicate their product as the perfect companion when you are taking the time off or when you are offshore. Threats Offshore is highly dependent on its import in China and they are subject to price fluctuations in the said country. Other countries have travel advisory/bans to our country which not only affects the number of tourists in our country but also the movement/travel of goods and services. Target Market Offshore has a broad geographic and demographic target market- from kids to  adult male and female who seeks a pair of slippers/flip-flops as an everyday casual wear that would complement their current fashion trends. It tries to capture intermediate market by producing comfortable and high quality products in much lower prices catering to the normal market. This is troublesome for the customers, since low pricing is attributable to low quality products. Offshore must make up its mind by tapping the right market for its products. Market Segmentation Flipflop styles and design vary according its target market. The market segmentation is based on the lifestyle of the customer just like garments industry. Since flipflops nowadays are not just everyday casual footwear but a fashion statement too. Three market segments can be identified in terms of buying behavior and income levels. The elevated market includes the upper class socio-economic class (SEC) from upper A to upper C demographics. The customers in this segment can afford purchasing luxury items and wth their profligate way of living. This group shops for imported shoes ranging from Php1,000 to Php2,500 a pair in the local retail market. Preference leans towards Brazilian slippers like Havaianas and Ipanema and German brands such as Birdenstock. They frequented concept stores and even online stores. The intermediate market consumers are primarily concerned with the price and comfort of flipflops. They are composed of middle C to upper D demographics of the SEC’s. This group is given high regard to the value of money. Slippers produced for this market are normally of good quality if not excellent, and prices range from Php250 to Php500 a pair. This group purchases in big department stores such as SM and Robinsons. Last category would be the normal market; this group opts to forego quality for price. This composed of low income laborers such as lower D to E socio-economic class. The price points of flipflops for this group are around Php 50-100. They usually buy in local market places and from sidewalk vendors. Current Position Offshore wants to be known not only as a Philippine flip-flop brand but also as casual footwear that offers utmost comfortable mobility and durability. It offers its product at a lower price with the goal of a pair of Offshore for every Filipino. The Y-axis is for the price and the X-axis is the degree of being stylish (right side being most stylish). Stylish meaning that a person buys a good/product to look good in the public. The international brands (Havainas, Ipanema, and Grendha) are perceived to be more stylish with higher prices. The design and appearance of the products are also a big factor of the perception of the market. Crocs being a high price but a little indifferent/middle with being stylish is caused by the current trend and acceptance of the market with closed front slippers. Offshore implements new product design every season to reflect market trends and style but the product is perceived as a low cost and at the left side of being stylish. The Y-axis is for the price and the X-axis is the durability (right side being most durable). The international brands are perceived to be durable due to their marketing effort and communicating to the market that they use special rubber that makes their product more durable. Another notable in the graph is the local brand Islander. For a long period of time, it has captured the title of being durable in the market because of its thick base. Offshore produces good quality products and the production process undergo a strict quality control; but, the low price level associates it as a China brand with low quality. Marketing Mix Product Although Offshore brags of its creative talented team of young Filipino designers, the designs and collection failed to capture the spirit of Filipino culture. Offshore has three sets of collection which all lack distinctive designs that will relive the Philippine beaches and Filipino  tradition. As shown in the pictures above, the collection normally focuses on stripes and floral prints which look normal. These are usual designs for slippers. Price Offshore is priced at a 100php for all categories (kids, men and women). Its price is almost at the lower bound of the prices in the department store which is 60php and way too far from the price of the market leaders. Offshore is cheap while at the same of good quality. The current price level is perceived by the local market as low-quality china brand. Place Currently, Offshore is distributed in popular local department stores, SM, Robinson’s and others. It is placed in the footwear section of the department together with slippers of the same prices, ranging from Php60-750. Promotions Offshore has set-up its own user-friendly website where photos of all available designs and collection are displayed. Offshore products may also be purchased from numerous e-business website such as and Recommendations Positioning Statement Offshore shall be the most-preferred choice of flipflops in the C and D markets for its perceived quality as well as its ability to complement everyday casual wear with current fashion trends. Details of Proposed Positioning and Justification Proposed Positioning Having a low price is not bad, and actually it can work to Offshore advantage since more customers shall shift to them as long as they can communicate that they can provide quality flipflops. The only problem is this: their  price is so low that they are more or less on par with those of the China brands or other local brands which are perceived of having low quality. That is why they are perceived by the market the same way as they perceive the former. Thus, we propose for Offshore to slightly increase their prices to distinguish it further from the other local brands. Increasing the price level at 180-220php will lead their market position move slightly higher and will increase attention from potential buyers. These buyers seek to buy items at a significant price level that they consider an item to be stylish. Again, increasing the price level at 180-220php will lead their market position move slightly higher and will change the perception about the product. The price change will change the perception about the product and avoid being associated with China brands or other local brands. Proposed Marketing Mix and Implementation Product The company should try to create its own women collection as women accounts for 70 percent of flipflop buyers. This will greatly increase its potential customers and potential market share. Other product collection should be maintained especially that there is an upward trend for the purchasing behavior of men. The company should continue its new seasonal products to reflect current season trends and styles. They should try to focus on communicating their beach and filipino designs in their product. They could also produce couple designs or paired Offshore to increase/improve the buying process and venture on producing boxes or bags with delicate design for these products. These boxes or bags will serve as the flipflop holders for customers who still wants to be fashionable even if not wearing their flipflops. Price The current prices of Offshore fall within the price range of other not so popular local brands which are perceived to have low quality. Offshore shall therefore increase its price to distinguish itself from these brands while maintaining its affordability versus foreign brands. Slightly increasing the  price to180-220php will communicate product quality rooted to its strong quality control. To justify the increase in price, the product shall be packaged with intricate designed flipflop holders as discussed earlier. Place Offshore should maintain its distribution strategy in popular local department stores as these place is where people who have the capability to buy such goods often go. The company should request the footwear section of the department to group together the slippers of the same prices, ranging from Php180-300. This strategy would lessen the shelf competition and Offshore would appear as the lowest price in the section but at the same level with other brands with good quality. It is also a chance to showcase its design level with others. The company also may hire sales personnel to further guide customers on what and how the product is and to communicate the message of casual footwear that offers utmost comfortable mobility and durability. Promotions Offshore should try to tie-up with hotels or tourist destination w/ footwear package. This will be helpful in communicating the beach or Filipino designs of the company and at the same time giving the customer memento of their visit in the place or experience. The company may implement various below-the-line (BTL) marketing strategies like giving fliers and placing posters in places with high foot traffic. The company should maintain and utilize its current site to communicate its current products. They can also maximize other social networking device to increase market awareness and also communicate its message in a bigger market.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Decision to Change the World essays

Decision to Change the World essays Its a touchdown! screams an announcer. O.J. Simpson once was a very well known football star in all ways, not knowing that he would later be in one of the most televised and talked about trials ever. Some thought that the system of courts would be changed after this trial for such a crime that occurred. O.J. Simpson was considered one of the greatest running backs in football history. Born in San Francisco in 1947, Simpson earned All-American honors at the University of Southern California and won the Heisman Trophy as the nation's top college football player in 1968. He set several National Football League records before retiring in 1979. He has since worked as a sports commentator and actor. (World Book, OJ Simpson.) Nicole Simpson worked as a waitress in a Beverly Hills nightclub, the Daisy, where she met O.J. Simpson. They were married February 2, 1985. After her divorce, she won $433,000 cash settlement and $10,000 monthly child support. Along with her was her 25-year-old friend Ronald Goldman, who was currently, a waiter at Mezzaluna. ( Then, one late night, they were found stabbed to death outside Nicoles LA condo. When Simpson said he heard about it he went straight back from Chicago to LA. He was handcuffed, but shortly after he was released due to no evidence. (OJ movie) A few days later police thought of OJ as the top suspect of this case. So, with a hint, they searched a field nearby a hotel OJ stayed at, but no evidence was found. They wanted to put a warrant on Simpson. As more televised announcements were being announced, everyone started centering on the Nicole Brown and Ronald Goldman case. A couple days after the search, police found OJ Simpson with a gun to his head driving down a highway. It was a long chase, not going too fast, but eventually ended at the end of the day. OJ was put in Jail with no bail, pleading not guilty. [T...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on Emerald Nuts Campaign

in each of the commercials to make you remember the name of the nuts. I think the idea seems to work well. The Emerald website gives their mock media strategy for their commercials: â€Å"Our goal is to create a strategic media plan that is every bit as bold and provocative as the advertising. The EN Media Strategy: Extemelysavvyandboldmediaplan Noblyimplementedtoinsuremarketsuccess.† ( Free Essays on Emerald Nuts Campaign Free Essays on Emerald Nuts Campaign Everything’s Nuts Advertisements are meant to catch the attention of the viewer while getting them interested in the product being offered. The commercial for Emerald Nuts definitely catches attention while making the viewer wonder what is trying to be sold. The reason why this advertisement turns viewers’ heads and makes the viewers think about their nuts is because the ad campaign is humorous. Humor makes people feel good and consumers feel less threatened buying products that come off as soft sells. One of the reasons the use of humor is so widespread is that it is such a versatile tool because humor is universal it can also act as a catch-all, a way of appealing to everyone. (Benaday) I think that unlike using sex to sell products, humor can work on all people, regardless of age, gender, or sexual orientation. The Emerald Nuts campaign has many different witty commercials. The first ad I saw was of a man and two women dressed up giving a news report, which seemed odd because they were also working-out. Before you can even take a guess at what the commercial is about, the announcer says, â€Å"Exercising Newscasters like Emerald’s Nuts.† It is pretty bizarre so it makes it a memorable commercial, but even after I watched it, I couldn’t remember the correct name of the product. Some other of their other commercials acrostics are â€Å"Ear-muffed Negotiators, Eavesdropping Nebraskans, Eerie Name-callers, and Egomaniacal Norman’s.† ( The campaign includes fifteen short commercials. They use the E N words in each of the commercials to make you remember the name of the nuts. I think the idea seems to work well. The Emerald website gives their mock media strategy for their commercials: â€Å"Our goal is to create a strategic media plan that is every bit as bold and provocative as the advertising. The EN Media Strategy: Extemelysavvyandboldmediaplan Noblyimplementedtoinsuremarketsuccess.† (

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Certain community Essay Example for Free

Certain community Essay Nowadays people in the universe evolved in certain ways in which changes surrounded every single minute of life breathing. As we all live our life everyday, we are in the process of storing experiences which in fact such information about each single interaction that was made in the universe was stored in our mind to provide learning. Storing information had the wider and essential coordination with learning. The things that we encounter each day which are consider the information that will become as an experience later. It is really mysterious though, how the human mind works, and how does the storing of information goes, and indeed that explains how crucial and unfathomable the exploration in dealing learning process. Where did it start? Lets try to imagine how we are when were little kiddos, we really can’t recall the things that we used to do then, that gives us the significance of who we are when grown ups. We all came from our mother’s womb and as we have given the time to see the real world and explore it, different things had shape each personalities that made us of who we are right now. Each of us had cross the path in which our mind is crafted in every level of life changing structure where in to. The process that was made when we see the magnificent world of today and was able to discover what’s the purpose of life out in this real world and as personalities is being shape; this definitely involves information in which we stored, that will mold us in to personalities we are able to become later on. Dealing with changes is information storage, which gives us the opportunities for experiences that are meaningful. The information that we learned is being reproduced for the gaining of substantial knowledge and wisdom. How about Today? Today there were rapid growths of learners who seek for more information, in order to evaluate and acquire, then use the information in more effective manner. There must be literacy skills among personalities in the society. It means that a person should have the initiative to solve problem when arises, decisions are made easier, critical and cooperative learning to pass all life’s challenges. In which every person is being trained in dealing with the societies uncertainties. There are massive forms of information stored, but learners are the captain of their minds as they go along with it. Effectiveness of the stored information is based on how uniquely each individual performs in learning, and how they are able to deal in handling situations. So what will be tomorrow? As of the present time were technologies are being introduce. That offers greater help to the humankind in storing information in the small span of time, many had believed that it’s a great help in achieving greater knowledge in the world today. Technologies are the visualization of an improved and modernized society in which tasks are now made easier and performances are made faster. Developments are now engage by sustaining the society with technologies that can provide broader and wider source of knowledge in which skills are dignified and establish in the required time. And what’s the fuzz? Technologies though had a great help in developing one’s skills, but there must be of proper care. Everyone must rely not on that, alone, it may shortened the time frame of a given task but we must be reminded that technologies are created by the human mind, it is invented, but look at the inner source, it’s the mind of a human that was put into a material to produce certain information. Everyone of us had the mind to produce technologies, but lets always keep this in mind that technologies are just machines in which quality relies on the makers and producers, in either ways in due time it will not give its purpose anymore. I do believe personally that the greatest machine is the one who made it which is our mind. Regardless of what races where raised to, and in which class we belong, surely we are given the mind of its own, capable of doing magnificent things in which we hold further as we embrace the only constant thing in life and that is changes. It’s up to us if we share or not, that enough information that will make source of an introduce technology. In which way or another we hold it as long as we still live in this world. The Impact of New Technologies The impact of new technologies in information skills especially in business is often contemplated by the variety of reasons. One thing is that it is the fastest way of communication in sharing information from one respondent to another. It is believe that these technologies will improve capabilities in an organization. However, in business there is some sort of reconsideration for the fact that it may share information’s to other sectors, that would somehow exploit it, but shared information of new technologies will always been accompanied by remedial actions of the manufacturer itself, it just need to be properly care and all important tools for the information stored will not be exploit. We belong to the fast changing world and new technologies as it is widely spread nowadays will help us improve and achieve success but only if we take precautious methods in using it. It is also helpful in joining the globalization just for the fact that globalization is for improving and fast variety of development in a certain community. New technologies will always be part of globalization it is good to cope for that matter as for businesses concerns as long as we take note of possible circumstances in indulging globalization with new technologies, proper care and guidelines of newly introduced technologies will certainly rises us from our sets, only if handled with knowledge and wisdom in those aspect. Certain community. (2017, Apr 25).

Friday, October 18, 2019

JP Morgan Chase and Bank One Merger Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

JP Morgan Chase and Bank One Merger - Essay Example Bank One Corporation had been created through mergers with many other banks like Banc One of Columbus, First Chicago NBD, and Ohio but the mergers were considered a failure until Jamie Dimon who had been chosen as the president and CEO took over the leadership of the company and reformed the new firm’s practices (American Bar Association, 2007). Dimon improved the firm by changing the disastrous technology jumble inherited from the prior mergers done by Bank One Corporation and ensured that the bank was more than sufficient to be a viable merger for JPMorgan Chase. Bank One Corporation had spread its roots in many States with the beginning of interstate banking and acquired many banks and with this successful process, they resisted combining into one bank. According to the writings by Truitt (2006), Bank One Corporation, had to be merged with JPMorgan after the departure of their CEO John B. McCoy, whose father and grandfather had headed Bank One. McCoy left because after the First Chicago NBD merger, Banc One Corporation started having financial issues and there was no other option other than accepting help from others. Dimon was brought in as the head of the company and this is when the JPMorgan completed the acquisition of Bank One. The mega-merger was a success because JPMorgan Chase & Co. is one of the largest and best-known financial institutions in the world. Skeel (2011) stated that J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. is a leading global financial services firm with valuable assets and operations in more than 50 countries. The firm provides good services to people in the society and many of the world’s most prominent government, institutional and corporate clients. The mega-merger was a success because Bank One would have failed running on its own due financial difficulties. Griffin and Moorehead (2010) stated that JPMorgan Chase & Co is

Private Search and Seizure and the Fourth Amendment Essay

Private Search and Seizure and the Fourth Amendment - Essay Example This discussion stresses that  the Fourth Amendment applies to police as they are state officers. Nevertheless, the â€Å"automobile exception† allows police to conduct any immediate search on a vehicle without seeking a warrant as it would take a lot of time to find a warrant and the vehicle may have moved away from the jurisdiction. Thus, the supervisor of Mr. Yourprop may direct the police officers to search the vehicle parked in the parking lot as there is probable cause that it may be carrying digital evidence of the company’s intellectual property. As much as the car is currently immobile, it is â€Å"ready to move† and thus subject to the automobile exception. In His interpretation of Chambers v. Maroney, Justice Stevens held that all immediate searches conducted on vehicles by police officers without a warrant were justified and not in violation of the Fourth Amendment as long as the police officers have probable cause to believe that the vehicle in que stion is carrying contraband.From this paper it is clear that  it may be carrying evidence of a criminal offense. This aspect of a reasonable expectation of privacy when it comes to vehicles is diluted by the regulation, use, and configuration of the vehicle. In the case Carroll v. United States, it was held by the Court that the expectation of privacy is lesser in motor vehicles due to their functions in transportation and it rarely serves as an individual’s personal effects’ repository or their residence.

Breast Cancer Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Breast Cancer - Lab Report Example Acccording to studies,it is known that glycosylation is more pronounced in the breast cancer cells (Hakomori 1985). The reason for this is because of the increase in tne oligosaccharide structures (Hudis 2007).Such alterations might be identified through lectins which are the carbohydrate-binding proteins   an they have a very high specificity for the saccharides(Brooks and harris 2006).The lectins normally function as   the data mediators in the biological systems.In this case they interact with the glycoproteins glycolipids as well as the oligosaccharides(Nilsson 2007).They also bind specifically to the carbohydrate epitopes(Staffieri et al. 2012).The immunofluorescence method as well as the direct lectins cytochemistry   with the use of the   FITC-labeled lectins enables the visualization of the glycosylation’s impact on the therapies which targets the surface of the cells that bind to theHER2 receptors (Gabius 2009.The results from the histograms above (fig 1), ind icates the reason why the glycosylation’s intensity is higher in the sixth cell line when compared to that of the fifth cell line because of the different blocking agents used. In summary, further study needs to be done to clearly understand why there was a difference in the intensity of this two cell lines. It could be due to the above three mentioned reasons. Unfortunately, this study could not ascertain this.The reasons that could have resulted to the difference in the intesity could be due; firstly,the BSA could be a better blocking agent.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Listen Up Cabin Crew Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Listen Up Cabin Crew - Essay Example He breaks down the communication process in understandable segments: Overconfidence, Social norms in the cabin, and Repetition. Then, related to Behavior, he cites the attitudes, expected norms of behavior, and perceived behavioral control, repetition, and confusion between repetition and recall. For an article of less than 800 words that is a review of a 91 page manual of extensive research, Darby has done a very good job. He has given enough details to the categories and information, condensing the information so that it is quickly learned. He cited his sources, focusing mainly on Azjen's research. The way he cites the categories is organized and easily understandable. If one wanted to know the basics of the ATSB's manual, this is a quick readable resource. The attached questionnaires in the ATSB's manual were used in the research for the compilation of data. This is mentioned also in Darby's article. He selected main topics and used those, mentioning the research that was available and used. Completely left out of any research questionnaire were anything asked of the cabin crew. As mentioned previously, the research and experts used are excellent examples of the type of information to bring confidence to the reader. The information is logical and follows sequential thinking. There are no seen errors in the structure of the thought process. If there are any biases perceived in this article, it has to do with a prejudice against passengers. However, that is stated in the beginning because that is the focus of the article-attempting to understand why passengers do not pay enough attention to the instructions given by the cabin crew. This seems to enhance the writer's credibility because it is stated in the beginning and is cited from the manual. My personal reaction to this is positive because it enhances my belief that passengers need more awareness of safety procedures on all flights and we need to do our best to continually make them aware of the rules and procedures. Darby presents an excellent behavioral view of this problem, but he does not address the emotional content to any large extent. However, neither does the ATSB manual. It only discusses the behavioral. Whether it would be helpful to discuss the emotional or not would really depend on the reaction of the passenger to any type of emergency situation and how the cabin crew would handle it. The cabin crew could be trained to understand the emotional problems associated with passengers. That training would then reflect in how they work with the passengers once inside the cabin. There are many more cited documents in the original ATSB document than what Darby used or was able to use in his article. Also not explained was the perception passengers have of the flight attendants and the difference of perception between shorter flights and longer ones. The trust level is addressed in the ATSB report, but not mentioned in Darby's article. It is my view that the article is quite valid and dependable. Whether Darby had a word length limit probably had something to do with the amount of information he was able to compile in the amount of allocated space. Had he had more space he could have included more about the research of the passengers, the reactions they have to the brochures in the seat pockets, and how much attention they actually pay to the emergency procedures. The statistics in the original manual by

Law of Torts Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Law of Torts - Coursework Example To achieve the purpose, this paper shall first trace the test that have been developed overtime through the decisions of the courts, examine their shortcomings, and finally conclude on the extent to which it is possible to establish a single duty of care. Before the plaintiff proceeds any further to elicit evidence of the carelessness, and damage resulting from the conduct of the defendant, the defendant must establish that the defendant owed him a duty of care. But how does one establish that they are owed a duty of care? The traditional approach has established the duty of care to exist in certain special relationships, such as doctor/patient, lawyer/client and manufacturer/consumer. However, for certain fresh cases, test must be applied to establish whether the duty of care exists. The court has over time developed a rich jurisprudence over the tests that are applicable to establish a common law duty of care. Several tests have been developed to apply to particular set of facts. . .. But to what extent is it possible to formulate a single test? Lord Bridge, in Caparo V Dickman2, recognized that traditionally, â€Å"law finds the existence of duty in different specific situations each exhibiting its own particular characteristics. In this way, the law has identified a wide variety of duty situations, all falling within the ambit of the tort of negligence, but sufficiently distinct to require separate definitions of all essential ingredients by which the existence of the duty is to be recognized.† Duty of Care Tests: How it Has Developed over Time Prior to Donoghue V Stevenson, duty of care, to find negligence was normally on a case by case basis. It was normally owed in only specific and defined circumstances, such as those established under a contract. The modern quest for a single general principle that can be applied to all circumstances to determine the existence of a duty of care can be traced to Brett, M.R, decision in Heaven V. Pender,3 where he stat ed that, â€Å"whenever a person is by circumstance, placed in such a position with regards to another, that every one of ordinary sense, who did think, at once recognize that if he did not use ordinary care and skill in his own conduct with regard to those circumstances, he would cause danger of injury to the person or property of the other, a duty arises to use ordinary care and skill to avoid the danger.† However, other judges did not concur with this decision fully. It was later extended by Lord Atkins in the Donoghue case. He stated that the above decision was too wide. Lord Atkin held that for a new duty to arise, it has to have a pedigree to a scenario that had already been examined and classified by the court, stating that, â€Å"when a new point emerges, one should ask not whether it is

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Breast Cancer Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Breast Cancer - Lab Report Example Acccording to studies,it is known that glycosylation is more pronounced in the breast cancer cells (Hakomori 1985). The reason for this is because of the increase in tne oligosaccharide structures (Hudis 2007).Such alterations might be identified through lectins which are the carbohydrate-binding proteins   an they have a very high specificity for the saccharides(Brooks and harris 2006).The lectins normally function as   the data mediators in the biological systems.In this case they interact with the glycoproteins glycolipids as well as the oligosaccharides(Nilsson 2007).They also bind specifically to the carbohydrate epitopes(Staffieri et al. 2012).The immunofluorescence method as well as the direct lectins cytochemistry   with the use of the   FITC-labeled lectins enables the visualization of the glycosylation’s impact on the therapies which targets the surface of the cells that bind to theHER2 receptors (Gabius 2009.The results from the histograms above (fig 1), ind icates the reason why the glycosylation’s intensity is higher in the sixth cell line when compared to that of the fifth cell line because of the different blocking agents used. In summary, further study needs to be done to clearly understand why there was a difference in the intensity of this two cell lines. It could be due to the above three mentioned reasons. Unfortunately, this study could not ascertain this.The reasons that could have resulted to the difference in the intesity could be due; firstly,the BSA could be a better blocking agent.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Law of Torts Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Law of Torts - Coursework Example To achieve the purpose, this paper shall first trace the test that have been developed overtime through the decisions of the courts, examine their shortcomings, and finally conclude on the extent to which it is possible to establish a single duty of care. Before the plaintiff proceeds any further to elicit evidence of the carelessness, and damage resulting from the conduct of the defendant, the defendant must establish that the defendant owed him a duty of care. But how does one establish that they are owed a duty of care? The traditional approach has established the duty of care to exist in certain special relationships, such as doctor/patient, lawyer/client and manufacturer/consumer. However, for certain fresh cases, test must be applied to establish whether the duty of care exists. The court has over time developed a rich jurisprudence over the tests that are applicable to establish a common law duty of care. Several tests have been developed to apply to particular set of facts. . .. But to what extent is it possible to formulate a single test? Lord Bridge, in Caparo V Dickman2, recognized that traditionally, â€Å"law finds the existence of duty in different specific situations each exhibiting its own particular characteristics. In this way, the law has identified a wide variety of duty situations, all falling within the ambit of the tort of negligence, but sufficiently distinct to require separate definitions of all essential ingredients by which the existence of the duty is to be recognized.† Duty of Care Tests: How it Has Developed over Time Prior to Donoghue V Stevenson, duty of care, to find negligence was normally on a case by case basis. It was normally owed in only specific and defined circumstances, such as those established under a contract. The modern quest for a single general principle that can be applied to all circumstances to determine the existence of a duty of care can be traced to Brett, M.R, decision in Heaven V. Pender,3 where he stat ed that, â€Å"whenever a person is by circumstance, placed in such a position with regards to another, that every one of ordinary sense, who did think, at once recognize that if he did not use ordinary care and skill in his own conduct with regard to those circumstances, he would cause danger of injury to the person or property of the other, a duty arises to use ordinary care and skill to avoid the danger.† However, other judges did not concur with this decision fully. It was later extended by Lord Atkins in the Donoghue case. He stated that the above decision was too wide. Lord Atkin held that for a new duty to arise, it has to have a pedigree to a scenario that had already been examined and classified by the court, stating that, â€Å"when a new point emerges, one should ask not whether it is

The Case against Tipping Essay Example for Free

The Case against Tipping Essay Pros -Promoting businesses locally or globally. -Tipping helps employees with low hourly rate positions. -Tipping is complimentary -Personal good deed Cons -Already added into gratuity -Mandatory instead of Complimentary -Expected instead of being thankful -No choice People used to be polite, and thankful especially in the act of tipping where it is common place instead of a good deed. This creates problems because what if Im low on funds this particular night. For low paying positions such as waitress or valet parking is fine but it should ultimately be the patron’s choice. If a taxi cab driver expects lump sums of tips and I believe taxi cab drivers make a good living he better not shout at me alongside a curb driving slowly for two block shouting obscenities. People should be more humble and less expectant of a choice based upon the individual I am not obligated to tip or get tipped if someone does tip me God Bless them. The consequences of Carnage as Entertainment Pros Educational programs Comedy sitcoms/TV shows and movies Recreational programs Helps visible learners Cons Less communication Strain on eyes Child exposure to violent and sexual programs Behavioral problems Television is probably one of the most used inventions of the world as far as using your eyes and ears producing emotions and such. Today there is most likely more than one television set in one household. You can find television any and everywhere from bars, restaurants, Laundromats, barber shop etc. and the list goes on. However there is a down side as entertaining and consuming it may be. We have a generation of kids who refuse or simply don’t know how to communicate through dialogue. Furthermore that leads to obese and inactive lifestyle instead of going for a jog or attend a social gathering we are too busy with our mouths and eyes open in front of the television set.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Potential Unreliability Of Eyewitness Criminology Essay

The Potential Unreliability Of Eyewitness Criminology Essay The potential unreliability of eyewitness testimony poses one of the most serious problems in the administration of criminal justice. Eyewitness testimony is very important for legal decisions. Eyewitnesses are central to most court cases (Kebbell Milne, 1999) and eyewitnesses accounts are the most common and significant testimonies that can potentially serve as the primary forms of evidence against a defendant. Moreover research shows that jurors exaggeratedly believe the testimony of eyewitnesses and this, can lead to possible miscarriages of justice (Cutler et al. 1990). The aim of this essay is to investigate, based on the literature, the reasons that may influence the memory process of eyewitnesses and also what can be done in order to ensure that eyewitnesses testimony worth the value. Eyewitness testimony is a legal term and it refers to an account given by a bystander in the courtroom, who describes what happened during a specific incident under investigation. This is the principal way in which the guilt of the accused is established through verbal witness evidence in court. It is considered to be a reliable accepted form that provides evidence and jurors tend to pay close attention to it. Recently forensics and psychologists declare that memories and individual perceptions are unreliable, can being easily manipulated and biased . As a result, inaccurate eyewitnesses identifications can have serious consequences leading to wrong convictions of innocent people (Wells et al., 1998). When scientific psychology was in its first steps, articles about mistaken eyewitness identifications started to appear in the field (Munsterberg, 1908). However, eyewitness evidence has made people to think if eyewitnesses testimonies are reliable or not. It would be said though that all people have the knowledge that they do not remember everything, and therefore they know that memory can be weak. On the other hand it is difficult to deny the importance of eyewitnesses testimony. Research has shown that people probably feel better about convicting an alleged criminal when an eyewitness claims I saw him do it than when there is no such claim. The hypothesis that inaccurate eyewitness identifications can lead to the conviction of innocent people is also accepted by Canadian legal professionals (Brooks, 1983). DNA testing in the United States has shown that mistaken eyewitness identifications are the reason for more false convictions than all other causes combined (Connors et al. 1996 ). Moreover, this statement about eyewitness misidentifications that is one of the most common causes of wrongful convictions ( Rattner, Sagarin, 1986). Borchard reported that eyewitness error occurred in 45% of 65 cases of wrongful convictions. Huff (1986) found eyewitness errors in nearly 60% of 500 wrongful convictions and Ruttner (1986) concluded that eyewitness error occurred in 52% of 205 wrongful convictions. All these wrongful convictions studies were conducted before the invention of DNA testing. In 1996 a study which analysed of the application of DNA technology to forensic issues in the United States, has revealed some significant facts (Connors, et al., 1996). More specifically 28 men who were found guilty for various criminal acts were exonerated through the analysis of DNA typing. Eyewitness identification was the single most common factor accounting for these erroneous convictions. Furthermore, Wells, et al., (1998) added some more cases to the list of DNA-related wi th false identifications. These cases revealed that one to up to five eyewitnesses made false identifications of innocent suspects. Nevertheless, the eyewitness evidence was presented by well-meaning and confident citizens it was highly persuasive but, at the same time it was at least partially responsible for the majority of wrongful convictions. More recently, The Innocence Project reported some significant facts. The Innocence Project is a national litigation and public policy organisation dedicated to exonerating wrongfully convicted individuals through DNA testing and reforming the criminal justice system to prevent future injustice. The findings of this project show that about 66% of 138 cases in which DNA could exonerate the accused, wrongfully eyewitness identification was involved (Wells, 2004). As eyewitness concerns the memory process it is undeniable that some memory trace exists and this could have important consequences for the course of justice (Wells, 1993). Few people would doubt that human memory is fallible. According to Haber (2000), people tend to believe that memories are like video recorders that faithfully record the things that people do and replay them back perfectly later. The fact is that sensory and perceptual experiences of an incident are not recorded in memory in a similar way to a videotape recorder (Yarmey, 1980). Human memory is constructed and reconstructed from stored bits and pieces of acquired information of what actually happened and what a person intuits, discovers from others, or infers must have happened'(Graham, 2008). Following the reconstructive view, memory can be divided into three stages: (1) acquisition or encoding of information; (2) retention or storage of information over time; and (3) retrieval of stored information through recal l and recognition. A lot of problems may occur in each of these three stages. Loftus (1979, 1996) has focused a lot in these three stages of memory in order to understand the problems that may occur and lead to false convictions. Thus in the first stage which is encoding, the information first goes into the memories. More specifically, if not enough attention is paid to what is going on the encoding stage, then events may not be encoded properly. For example the length of time an eyewitness is able to see the perpetrator, will affect the accuracy of his/her memory. That is, the longer an eyewitness can see the perpetrator, the more will be able to encode and retrieve later on the identification task. Thus, exposure time is a very important variable that can affects the accuracy of eyewitness identification ( Laugherty et al., 1971). Furthermore other problems that may influence the encoding stage are the event salience and the prior expectations of the eyewitness. Usually eyewitnesses pay more attention to some details than others and also recall expectation n ot necessarily the truth. As a result they give wrong identifications (Loftus, 1974). During the second stage which is storage, people keep the information in their memories to recall later. In this stage the factors that may influence the eyewitnesses testimony are the length of time or the exposure to new information. For example witnesses might read a new report about the incident, which can affect their original memory, or if the information is stored for a long time the natural processes of forgetting could further degrade the memory. For this reason, some witnesses are more susceptible than other to false memories. However, people appear more susceptible to post-event information if it occurs later in the interval before formal retrieval (Loftus, 2005). Moreover research suggests that witnesses from each end of the age spectrum may be less reliable on average than those in between. For example, elderly witnesses and young children were found to be poorer at identifying strange rs accurately than other age groups (Ceci Bruck, 1993). Moreover, according to Loftus (1974) another reason that may lead to false memories is the stress that might experiment different eyewitnesses. High levels of stress have been suggested to have a negative effect on a witnesss ability to encode and retrieve information (Kassin et al., 2001). Finally the retrieval stage which is when the information is released in peoples memories, perhaps as a response to questioning, it can create further changes. For example the way questions are asked can distort the original memory or the stressful circumstance may prevent accurate recall. Psychologists distinguish two types of retrieval, recall and recognition. Recognition is where, for example, a eyewitness may take part in a line-up and asked if they have seen it before. The recall equivalent of these tasks would be to ask the eyewitness to describe the suspects appearance or what they were wearing. Recall is usually considered to be mor e difficult because it involves more stages of processing, not only verification but also retrieval (Kebbell Wagstaff, 1999). Other factors that can lead to wrongful evidence are the confidence that eyewitnesses may have the different type of questioning and problems with line-ups. First of all confidence should always be taken into account when assessing the risk of misidentification. Research has shown that lawyers in general accept that confident witnesses are accurate (Leippe, Manion Romanczyk, 1992; Wells et al., 2000). It is suggested that people tend to be more confident when they are forced to choose answers which can cause difficulties in the criminal proceeding (Bornstein Zickafoose, 1999). Moreover badly worded questions, complex sentences and difficult vocabulary are all potentially problematic for witnesses (Kebell Johnson, 2000). Finally according to Busey and Loftus (2007) there are some problems with line-ups. These problems might be inadequate matched fillers, which means that the foils do not match the descriptions of the offender provided by eyewitnesses, bias and unconscious transfere nce which happens when the witness has seen the suspect before but not realise this. Eyewitness testimony is a topic that has a lot of limitations and need for further research is essential. The majority of studies designed to assess the validity of eyewitness have been conducted in laboratory and have used videotapes or live simulations of crime events. Only a minority of these researches have been field studies involving genuine victims and eyewitnesses of real crimes (Brigham et al., 1982; Krafka Penrod, 1985; Pigott, Brigham, Bothwell, 1990; Penrod Cutler, 1997). Of course, eyewitness identifications are made under all sorts of the adequate conditions, but these studies were based on conditions that made witnesses feel more comfortable. For example in several studies there was no psychological pressure for identifying the perpetrator, because in a laboratory study there is not any real risk of the defendant to be sentenced to forensic settings. Furthermore another factor that makes these studies inaccurate consists of the fact that witnesses were asked to iden tify photos rather than real people and there was no arousal for a lot of studies at the time of the encoding. Finally another element to take into consideration is the confidence of the witnesses. In some cases it has been shown to have a significant effect while other studies have shown that it does not. A factor that may increase the credibility of the eyewitness testimony is the expert testimony about eyewitness identification. Such expert testimony has already been allowed in numerous countries around the world (Fishman Loftus, 1978). Expert testimony is designed to provide scientific information. According to Loftus (1978), an expert psychologist can describe to the jurors the studies that have been conducted and the results from the experiments on peoples ability. Furthermore expert testimony about eyewitness behaviour takes part when a professional psychologist is admitted by the judge as an expert authority on eyewitness testimony who is presented in the court and informs the jurors about scientific studies related in memory and the variables that are known to influence memory and memory report (Vidmar Schuller, 1989). Research has shown that expert testimony is the only legal safeguard about the factors that affect the reliability of eyewitnesses accounts to perceive and re call complex events (Cutler Penrod, 1995). Thus the jurors can have enough information on which to evaluate the identification evidence correctly. However expert testimony is not always useful (Cutler Penrod, 1995), expensive time -consuming and there are limited number of experts (Wells, 1993). To summarise, eyewitness testimony is very important in the determination of various legal decisions and also eyewitness accounts are essential because they serve strong evidence against a defendant. However researches have shown that inaccurate eyewitness identifications can have serious consequences leading to wrong convictions of innocent people. The reasons which provoke these erroneous convictions may be problems in the three stages of memory or some types of physical features such as the age and the race of the witness, the behaviour of other witnesses, the presence or absence of expert testimony and the confidence of eyewitnesses. Moreover researches have revealed numerous limitations. The fact that research is mostly based on laboratories studies can be problematic when it comes to apply to real-life situations with precision. In addition a not well organised structure of the line-ups and the inappropriate questioning techniques can contribute to witnesses making mistakes. Ne vertheless, eyewitness testimony continues and will continue to have value because it is considered to be one of the most important factors of evidence in the court which provides vivid and virtual evidence of an incident. On the other hand witnesses are not automatically unreliable. There is much that can be done to promote good evidence both by the police and the courts. It is the forensic psychologists role to investigate further issues which lead to accurate as well as inaccurate accounts and to assist the criminal justice system in interpreting research findings for the benefit of all parties. New studies may help increase the value of the eyewitness testimony by enhancing judges and jurors knowledge of this type of testimony and this can reduce wrongful convictions. Judges and jurors will be more aware of the dangers of erroneous eyewitness testimony and more willing to permit legal safeguards, including expert testimony which informs them about the limitations that they have to be aware of and not to discount a testimony entirely in these limitations. Moreover increasing judges and jurors knowledge of eyewitness testimony is also essential because expert testimony is not a panacea for erroneous identifications. Finally, a dialogue between judges and researchers who specialise in eyewitness studies would be useful in increasing the value of the testimony. Reducing wrongful convictions is vital because the continual discovery of false convictions undermines the reliability of the legal system.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Galileo Essay -- essays research papers

Galileo   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the early seventeenth century, Galileo Galilei began the construction of a device that would transform the scientific world. Galileo did not invent the telescope but his improvements on it made him the most scientifically successful user of this instrument in his time. However, Galileo would not stop at scientific discovery. The father of three successfully marketed the improved instrument to the Senate of Venice and the Grand Duke Cosimo II of Tuscany in hopes of possibly furthering his career. In the telescope’s transitional form, Galileo is able to obtain a salary raise and a permanent position at the University of Padua but he is disappointed with this offer and continues to make improvements on the telescope. He realizes that his ties to Cosimo’s court, he taught the Grand Duke when he was younger, could be used to his advantage. The medium for his objective was The Sidereal Messenger. This treatise gives a direct dedication to Cosimo and his court with the hope that he will gain its favor and â€Å"patronage from the ruler of his native land.† It is also the medium through which he conveys his advocacy of the Copernican system, particularly using his telescopically enhanced observations of the moon’s irregular surface and Jupiter’s moons.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Galileo saw the opportunity to gain a great deal from his telescope from the beginning of its conception. The senate of Venice offered him an increase in salary and a permanent appointment at the University based on Galileo’s first improvement which only magnified objects by ten times . He realized that the telescope could improve his financial situation but he was smart enough to not settle for his first offer. He quickly wrote to the Tuscan court about his discoveries. When Galileo heard that the Grand Duke Cosimo and his three brothers were astonished by his almost supernatural intelligence, he realized that he could use this to his advantage. The brilliant Florentine patrician had ties to Cosimo’s court because he tutored him in math as a child. The courts were also very interested in these dazzling things and wanted them for military purposes . Cosimo’s court did not stray from this generalization and Galileo knew it. It can also be theor ized that this position was much desired and after he attained the posi... ...e fixed stars would have to be at a very large distance from Saturn, the outermost planet of this time, therefore separating the planets from the fixed stars. This supported the Copernican theory. He then goes on to his observations of the moons of Jupiter. In short, he makes almost nightly observations of four heavenly bodies around Jupiter with his telescope and reports that he has found four stars, or Medician planets as he calls them, that travel around Jupiter. This suggests that the Earth is not the only center of motion in the universe and further advocates the Copernican system.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Galileo successfully arranges his observations of the heavenly bodies through a magnifying instrument into an incentive for patronage and a promotion of a revolutionary universal system. He gains the patronage of his former student by dedicating to him his revolutionary work on astronomy while also suggesting that the present universal system is wrong and he can prove it. Although the telescope helped him to observe objects with greater detail than other scientists of his time, it cannot be forgotten that Galileo had a mysterious ability as an observer and scholar.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Shakespeares Hamlet - The Importance of the Ghost Essay -- GCSE Engli

Hamlet and the Non-expendable Ghost   Ã‚   All literary critics agree that the Ghost in Shakespeare’s tragedy Hamlet is not an expendable character. Without the Ghost the show could not go on. He is absolutely essential to the plot, to ever aspect of the drama.    W.H. Clemen in â€Å"Imagery in Hamlet Reveals Character and Theme† describes the pervasive influence which the Ghost’s words have on the entire play:    Perusing the description which the ghost of Hamlet’s father gives of his poisoning by Claudius (I,v) one cannot help being struck by the vividness with which the process of poisoning, the malicious spreading of the disease, is portrayed:    Sleeping within my orchard,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   My custom always of the afternoon,      Ã‚  Ã‚  Upon my secure hour thy uncle stole,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   With juice of cursed hebenon in a vial,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   And in the porches of my ears did pour   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The leperous distilment; whose effect   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Holds such an enmity with blood of man   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   That swift as quicksilver it courses through   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The natural gates and alleys of the body,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   And with a sudden vigour doth posset   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   And curd, like eager droppings into milk,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The thin and wholesome blood: so did it mine;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   And a most instant tetter bark'd about,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Most lazar-like, with vile and loathsome crust,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   All my smooth body.    A real event described at the beginning of the drama has exercised a profound influence upon the whole imagery of the play. What is later metaphor is here still reality. The picture of the leprous skin disease, which is here – in the first act – described by Hamlet’s father, has buried itself deep in Hamlet’s imagination and continues to lead its subterranean existence, as ... ...Hamlet. Ed. Don Nardo. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1999. Rpt. from The Masks of Hamlet. Newark, NJ: University of Delaware Press, 1992. Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1995. Ward & Trent, et al. The Cambridge History of English and American Literature. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1907–21; New York:, 2000 West, Rebecca. â€Å"A Court and World Infected by the Disease of Corruption.† Readings on Hamlet. Ed. Don Nardo. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1999. Rpt. from The Court and the Castle. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1957. Wilkie, Brian and James Hurt. â€Å"Shakespeare.† Literature of the Western World. Ed. Brian Wilkie and James Hurt. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1992.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Google Hacking

Google Hacking Abstract: Google hacking is the term used when a hacker tries to find vulnerable targets or sensitive data by using the Google search engine. In Google hacking hackers use search engine commands or complex search queries to locate sensitive data and vulnerable devices on the Internet. Keywords: hacking, hack, Google, Google hack, hacking techniques, attack, ethical hacking, search engines, search engine hacking What is Google Hacking? Google hacking is the term used when a hacker tries to find vulnerable targets or sensitive data by using the Google search engine. In Google hacking hackers use search engine commands or complex search queries to locate sensitive data and vulnerable devices on the Internet. Although Google hacking techniques are against Google terms of service1 and Google blocks wellknown Google hacking queries, nothing can stop hackers from crawling websites and launching Google queries. Google hacking can be used to locate vulnerable web servers and websites which are listed in the Google search engine database. In other words, hackers can locate many thousands of vulnerable websites, web servers and online devices all around the world and select their targets randomly. This kind of attack is most commonly launched by applying Google hacking techniques to satisfy junior hackers. It is obvious that the Google hacking procedure is based on certain keywords, which could be used effectively if they are used by some internal commands of the Google search engine. These commands can be used to help hackers narrow down their search to locate sensitive data or vulnerable devices. Nevertheless, the success of Google hacking techniques depends on the existence of vulnerable sites, servers and devices. However, we should not ignore the power of the search engines in providing information about the targets to the hackers in the reconnaissance phase. Beyond Vulnerability Malicious hackers can use Google hacking techniques to identify vulnerable sites and web servers for known vulnerabilities. In addition, they can look for error pages with the help of technical Page 1 of 8 nformation or retrieve files and directories with sensitive contents such as databases, passwords, log files, login pages or online devices such as IP cameras and network storage. Google Proxy Hackers can use the Google Translate service (http://translate. google. com/translate_t) as a proxy server to visit a website or translate the contents of the website or URLs without leaving any footprints. Figure 1: Google Translate Service. Google Cash Google copies the content of a website in its databa se. This function helps users to access the content of the website if the site is not available. However, a hacker can use this function to access and visit a targeted website without leaving any footprint and in complete anonymity. Figure 2: The red cycle indicates the link to access the Cached page. Page 2 of 8 Directory Listings Web server applications such as Apache and IIS provide facilities that a user can browse and navigate website directories by clicking on the directory name and links such as Parent Directories. The directories and their content can be listed if directory listing or directory browsing are enabled by the administrator. This vulnerability gives an unauthorized access to the files and it may help hackers to gain access to the information which can help them to hack a website or a web server or download its contents. Directory listings make the parent directory links available to browse directories and files. Hackers can locate the sensitive information and files just by simple browsing. In Google it is easy to find websites or web servers with enabled directory listings because the title of the pages start with the â€Å"index of† phrase so we can use index of in the search box to find the directory listings-enabled website. If we want to get better result from our search we can use this combination in the search box intitle:index. of or we can use intitle:index. of â€Å"Parent Directory†. Figure 3: The result of using intitle:index. of â€Å"Parent Directory†. It is obvious that with the first command we used the Google search engine to search in its database for the websites which have been listed with the title of â€Å"Index of†. In the second command we used Google to search for sites with the directory listings and with the keyword which is often found in the directory listings. Specific Directory Hackers can locate specific directories by using the directory name in their search queries. For instance to locate an â€Å"admin† directory in addition to directory listings, the hacker can use these commands: intitle:index. of. admin or intitle:index. of inurl:admin. Page 3 of 8 Figure 4: The result of using intitle:index. of. admin. Specific File It is possible to search for a certain file by directory listings. For instance, to search for the password. mdb file, this search query can be used: intitle:index. of password. mdb . Figure 5: The result of using intitle:index. of. password. mdb. Specific File Extension Google lets users search its database for a specific file extension by using the filetype: command. For instance, if you want to search for pdf files, then you can use the query filetype:pdf in the search box. Server Information It is possible to use Google hacking techniques to determine the version of the web server application along with directory listings. This kind of information is vital to an attacker because it will  © Ali Jahangiri www. alijahangiri. rg Page 4 of 8 help him or her to use the best way to attack the web server. For instance, hackers can use the search query intitle:index. of â€Å"server at† to find the web sites with vulnerable directory listings which are operated by an Apache server. Figure 6: The result of intitle:index. of â€Å"server at†. Different versions of Microsoft IIS servers have wide usage all around the world. It would be easy to find the ser vers which are operated by Microsoft IIS 6. 0 servers, which are listed in the Google database by using the query â€Å"Microsoft IIS/6. server at† on the Google search engine. Error Pages The error pages and warning pages are informative for hackers because these pages could be used to determine the vulnerability of the target. Most of the time hackers use the error messages as keywords or search phrase to find their targets. For instance, if you use â€Å"Syntax error in query expression † –the in the Google search box, you can find the websites which have this error message as an Access error message; this message can display path names, function names and filenames which are helpful for the hackers. Page 5 of 8 Figure 7: The result of â€Å"Syntax error in query expression † –the. Hackers may use Google to locate vulnerable servers by searching for the error pages of web servers such as IIS. The queries intitle:†the page cannot be found†and â€Å"internet information services† can be used to search for IIS servers that present error 404. Default Pages Default pages are major sources of information about targets for hackers. They use Google to find live servers which are on the default page; most of the time, these servers have default configurations with many vulnerabilities. Login Pages The login pages can be use for brute force attacks and gain unauthorized access to the target. In addition, the login pages can be useful to provide information about the target server. For instance, if we use the search query allinurl:†exchange/logon. asp† in the Google search box, we can find the login page of the Microsoft Outlook Web Access. For the typical login page in the web applications or portals which have been programmed by ASP, you can use inurl:login. asp or inurl:/admin/login. asp. Figure 8: The result of allinurl:†exchange/logon. asp†. Locating CGI-BIN Common Gateway Interface (CGI) is a standard protocol for interfacing external application software with web servers. Hackers can use Google to locate the CGI-BIN applications or pages to target. For instance, the search query inurl:/cgi-bin/login. cgi locates the login pages base on CGI-BIN. Online Devices It is possible to create special search phrases to locate online devices such as IP cameras, network storage and printers with Google. In this technique hackers use the default pages or the application names which vendors used for hardware and that have been supplied by vendors.  © Ali Jahangiri www. alijahangiri. org Page 6 of 8 For instance, if you want to locate AXIS Network cameras then you can apply the search phrase inurl:indexFrame. shtml Axis to find online AXIS cameras. Here is another example: to locate online Linksys network storage with the GigaDrive Utility, you can use the search phrase intitle:†GigaDrive Utility† in the Google Search box. Figure 9: The result of inurl:indexFrame. html Axis. Google Hacking Database There is an unofficial website (http://johnny. ihackstuff. com/ghdb. php) which acts as a database for hacking of Google. This database has been used since its creation in 2004 by the Google hacking community. You would be able to develop your own Google hacking database by studying the behaviour of the equipment and identifying the pages, page titles and files which can be cal led and accessed by user and which will be listed in Google. Disclaimer: ? This document is to educate, introduce and demonstrate Google hacking. You should not use the information which has been presented in this document for illegal or malicious attacks and you should not use the described techniques in an attempt to compromise any computer system. Ali Jahangiri operates a policy of continuous development. The information which this document contains reflects his understanding at the time when presented. Ali Jahangiri reserves the right to revise this document or withdraw it at any time without prior notice and states no obligation to update the data included in his document. The contents of this document are provided â€Å"as is†. No warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of solutions and instructions for a particular purpose, are made in relation to the accuracy, reliability or contents of this document. Under no circumstances shall Ali Jahangiri be responsible for any loss of data or income or any special, incidental, consequential or indirect damage s howsoever caused.