Monday, April 27, 2020
TDA Essay Example
TDA Essay Describe the policies that you would take if you noticed that a child was ill in your setting. All staff within the nursery need to be aware of different signs and symptoms when dealing with Illnesses within children. When children are ill then may become upset or restless and therefore would need to be shown care and comfort Just by sitting with them and talking to them to keep them occupied or even give them a comforting toy to make them feel less distressed until a senior member of staff decides on what to do in this situation. A senior member of staff or the manager would be informed of every illness and incident. Every case with an ill or injured child will need to be recorded in full detail which would include; The name of the child The time and date of the illness What the illness or injury was Any treatment given The names of the members of staff involved and reported to A signature of who witnessed the illness or Injury This would be done so that the parents of the child can be fully knowledgeable about the Incident and so they can be aware In case the child becomes worse. We will write a custom essay sample on TDA specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on TDA specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on TDA specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer At our setting we require the parents to sign the recorded form to show that they knew and understood what had happened. If the child is seriously ill or injured then the parent loud be contacted immediately and this would be decided by a senior member of staff however, if the child needed urgent treatment or needed to be taken in an ambulance to the hospital then the parents would need to give full permission first. At our setting we do have some children who need to be given certain medication in particular circumstances such as children with asthma and children with allergies who may need a potentially lifesaving injection. These medications would be prescribed by a doctor then the parents would give written consent for the staff at our setting to give the children the recommended medication. For every child a form would Include their name, birth date, what type of medication Is to be given, how much and at what time and each parent would need to sign and date the form. For the children who have allergies or asthma they would need their medication to be permanently at the setting so that the child is able to receive it at all times. Their medication is kept in a storage box with their name on that is kept out of reach of other children however is always in the room that the child is in. If we have a situation at our setting in which the staff have to deal with bodily fluids we have to cake sure first of all that we remove the ill child from the location and make sure that no other children can access the said area. Then the member of staff that is to clean must initially make sure they put on an apron and clear disposable gloves. To remove the excess paper towels are provided and then put Into a bin bag. We then have a specific colored mop for different areas that the member of staff would use to clean the wet area, using disinfectant and then would use clean paper towels to dry the area. After this the apron and gloves that the member of staff was using would go into the bin bag too. This bin bag would be taken to the outside waste area wash their hands and arms carefully and precisely with hand soap. When may a child need urgent medical attention? Consider your own role and responsibilities and outline what you would do if a child needed urgent medical attention whilst in your care. Some children may show some signs or symptoms that can be very serious and may require urgent medical attention. It is our Job to notice any of the signs and symptoms in the children and respond immediately. Some may include; Seizures Choking In and out of consciousness Cardiac arrest Convulsions (Fits) Dehydration, Severe vomiting and diarrhea Meningitis symptoms Wounds or cuts that are severely bleeding Cries uncontrollably and seems to be in pain Asthma attack which the inhaler does not react to Swallowing dangerous objects Difficulty breathing Head injury with other symptoms such as headache, vomiting or vision problems. There can be many more serious signs and symptoms that would need urgent medical attention. If I were to notice any of these in the children I would need to immediately find another member of staff as quickly as possible and do exactly as they ask me to. This could be to phone for other member of staff, bring the first aid kit or even make the area safe around the child and keep the other children occupied and away from the area. I am currently not first aid trained so I wouldnt be able to follow up any first aid on the child however when I am first aid trained, if there is no other members of staff around at the time I would have to follow my first aid training on the child when necessary and would also need to shout for assistance from another member of staff. Show the actions that you would take in your setting in the event of a fire. Each part of the setting has its own designated route to exit the building at the closest exit door. Our main exit in my building is through the main door over the cobbled area and through a big double gate that leads on to the drive way at the front of the building. We then go through another small gate and to the church that is opposite where we gather the children. The senior member of staff would count the children as they were exiting the building and then count them again as they were gathered know how many children we would have at that time. The register would be taken ever to the church with us so that we could count the children and know which children were with us. If we could not get through the front door because the fire was in the area of our exit route, we would take the children through the back door, through the soft play area, over the grass, through a side gate and then through the small gate to the church. Each part of the building has other routes that they can take to exit the building. With the babies we have an evacuation cot at the front door which the staff members put the babies in and carry them across to make it easier and safer than the staff carrying Just one baby across. Show the procedures that you follow to maintain the security of your setting. To stop strangers from getting into our building without staff realizing we have specific key codes on the main gate, main front door and back kitchen door that is only given to the parents of the children. If there is somebody else picking up the child other than the parent then they would have to be given a secure password from the parents, which they would provide when they arrive at the front door and ring the buzzer and they would need to know the name and date of birth of the child and the parents would information the ember of staff caring for the child about the person including the name and what the person looks like. However, only the owner or manager can allow this person into the building. To stop the children getting out of the building we have baby gates and locked gates with hooks and locks so that they cant get out of the rooms and all other main door have handles that are high out of babies reach and locks higher up also. On the back door of the building that I work in we have a key lock which is locked at all times whilst the children are indoors and on the front door we have a door bell for he parent to ring when they come to collect their children. The key is kept on a high up shelf out of the childrens reach. We also have locks on all windows however most windows are out of reach of children. Describe the policy and procedures that you would follow in your setting if there was a missing child. If any children are thought to be missing on the premises we have to follow our policy and procedures for missing children which would start with the staff checking the register to make sure the child has not already gone home and is signed out or to see if the child is opposed to be in. They would also have to check to make sure no other child is missing. The manager is to be alerted and they would carry out a search and a thorough check of the building and garden. They would check all doors and gates for any breach of security whereby the child could have perhaps wandered out from. If after 5 minutes the child still has not been found then the parents of the child would be contacted and informed along with the police. The manager would then talk to the staff to find out where and when the child went missing and was last seen and this would be recorded.
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